WaterWatch ToolKit

If I don't want an 'info' window once clicking on a site, can I do it?

Yes, you do it. When calling 'xgload()' in <body> tag, add an option {popup: 0}. See the following example.
<body onload="xgload('wwgmaps/wwgmap_data.php?st=ks', {popup: 0, cc_lat: 38.49114652, cc_lng: -98.32506965, sw_lat: 36.92868144, sw_lng:-102.13824100, ne_lat: 40.05361160, ne_lng:-94.51189830} )" onunload="GUnload()">

In this case, 'flow' information will be added to 'site' tip, and 'on-click' will lead to NwisWeb site page.