WaterWatch ToolKit

WaterWatch Google Map Viewer

''WaterWatch Google Map Viwer' at http://waterwatch.usgs.gov/apps/llbox is used to

  • to display WaterWatch stareamflow condition maps for US and states.
  • to create a box and get a box extent as lat and long.
  1. How to use the viewer:
    1. To view a state map, choose a state from 'State' drop-down menu or just click on a state on the map.
      1. Clicking on a site will pop up a window showing current streamflow information.
      2. Cursor over a site will show the site number and name.
    2. To view a US map, choose 'United States' from the 'State' drop-down menu.
      1. The US map shows partial of streamgages with long-term streamflow records (>30 years).
      2. There is no popup information when clicking on a site. Instead a state map will be created when clicking a state.
    3. To draw a box for an extent:
      1. click on 'Create Box' on map
      2. Click on a point on the map and drag a box
      3. The box extent will be shown the box below map.
  2. Use the viewer as a box chooser with other applications:
    1. Create a 'parent' page containg
      1. two 'input' fields: 'zsw' and 'zne' for box extent
      2. a button to active the viewer as the 'child.'
    2. Example:
Example: Box Chooser
Example: Code
<label>SW: <input id='zsw' name="sw" type="text" size="50" value="" /></label>
<label>NE: <input id='zne' name="ne" type="text" size="50" value="" /></label>
<input name="chooser" type="button" value="Open Box Chooser"  
  onclick="xwin=window.open('http://waterwatch/wwapps/llbox', 'box_chooser', 
  'menubar=0,resizable=0,width=800,height=700');xwin.focus();"; />