WaterWatch ToolKit

Hydrograph from NwisWeb

NwisWeb 'presentation' hydrograph consist of a USGS banner and has a higher quality than 'regular' graph.

    1. URL: http://waterwatch.usgs.gov/wwapps/ychart.php?vt=<uv|dv>&site_no=<site_nu>&cd=<parameter_cd>&log=<0|1>&p=<no_of_day>
      1. 'vt' -- The value type:
        1. 'uv' -- Hydrograph for unit value (default).
        2. 'dv' -- Hdyrograph for daily value.
      2. 'cd' -- a USGS parameter code.
        1. For discharge or stage, just specify '00060' or '00065', respectively.
        2. For other paramter, a 'dd' number must be added to code as <code>_<dd>. For example, to get a 'presentation' graph of temperature at 07144100, the code is '00010_27'
      3. 'site_no' -- a USGS site number
      4. 'log' -- an indicate to draw 'log-scale' on y-axis for 'discharge'
      5. 'p' -- Specify the time length in days.
    2. Examples:

      USGS Hydrograph of discharge: http://waterwatch.usgs.gov/wwapps/ychart.php?vt=uv&site_no=06891500