WaterWatch ToolKit

USGS WaterWatch Toolkit

WaterWatch Streamflow Conditions Map Builder

This builder is used to customize the streamflow conditions maps (e.g., thumbnail, different size, and different background colors, etc.).

streamflow map

WaterWatch Google Map Builder

A Google Maps version of the streamflow conditions map can be created. This map has pan and zoom functionality.

Google map
Rating Curve Builder

The rating curve builder is used to create a USGS streamflow rating curve. The rating table is from the USGS ratings depot. Field measurements can also be appended to the curve.

rating curver

Summary of Flood and High Flow

This tool summarizes the flood and high flow conditions for a state or a region for a given time period. Tables and Google Maps are used to summarize conditions and to show locations, respectively.

Google Map

Streamgage Statistics Retrieval Tool

The "streamgage statistics" retrieval tool provides a list of basic summary statistics and duration graph for the selected streamgage, as computed from daily values, for the period of record.


WaterQualityWatch Maps

Maps shown on WaterQualityWatch can be customized.

temperature map

WaterWatch Charts

All of the charts shown on WaterWatch can also be shown on WSC's web pages.

Small WaterWatch Charts

Small-size charts (350pixels wide) are shown on WaterWatch map pop-ups.

Streamflow Map Animation

This tool is to create a streamflow map animation for a time period for real-time streamflow and flood-and-high flow maps, respectively.

man animation

Hydrologic Unit Runoff Maps

Hydrologic unit runoff and runoff condition maps from 1901 to 2008 are available.

runoff map
For additional information, contact:

Harry Lins
U.S. Geological Survey
415 National Center
Reston, VA 20192
Email: hlins@usgs.gov