Create a USGS flow duration curve dynamically. Choose USGS streamgage and specify the beginning and ending dates to create a curve
Present a time-history of streamflow along with historical streamflow percentiles with capabilites to
The area-based runoff duration hydrograph presents a time-history of area-based runoff along with historical runoff percentiles. It is used to display runoff for a state or a water-resource region. Runoff and runoff percentiles can be downloaded. Multiple year types such as water year are supported.
Present a graphical presentation of recent cumulative daily streamflow at a site, plotted over the cumulative long-term statistics (median and interquartile range) of streamflow for each day of the year at that station. Observed minimum and maximum annual cumulative discharges are also plotted.
Create a graphical presentation of cumulative daily area-based runoff, plotted over the cumulative long-term statistics (median and interquartile range) of runoff for each day of the year. Observed minimum and maximum annual cumulative runoff are also plotted.
View WaterWatch dynamic maps in a place.
Display a seamless dynamic real-time streamflow condition map. With zooming, more details are shown.
Display a seamless flood and high flow map. Map shows 4 categores of NWS flood stages: action, minor, moderate, and major.
Display hourly flow change map. Highlight sites with increasing and decreasing flows.
Provides a list of basic summary statistics and a duration graph for a streamgage, as computed from daily values, for the period of record. Download streamflow statistics for all current streamgages.
Disaply streamflow measurements for a period and in an area. Highlight the number of measurements and the number of measurenements during flooding.
Provide pixel-based plots for visualizing and identifying variations and changes in a streamflow data set. The raster hydrographs depict years on the y-axis and days along the x-axis. Users can choose to plot streamflow (actual values or log values) for Daily, 7-Day, 14-Day, and 28-Day streamflow.
Analyze 7-day low flow of an area for a specific period and provide historical comparison with
Customize the streamflow conditions maps (e.g., thumbnail, different size, and different background colors, etc.) and provide a url to be imbedded in web sites.
Create a streamflow map animation for a time period for real-time streamflow and flood-and-high flow maps, respectively.
The rating curve builder is used to create a USGS streamflow rating curve. The rating table is from the USGS ratings depot. Field measurements can also be appended to the curve.
Monthly, quarterly, and annual HUC runoff time-series plots are avialable in a HUC area and a state.
Hydrologic unit runoff and runoff condition maps from 1901 to 2020 are available.
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Page Last Modified: Monday, September 9, 2024