Explanatory Note: The “streamgage statistics” retrieval tool provides a table of basic summary statistics for the selected streamgage, as computed from daily values, for the period of record. Statistics will be retrieved by entering an 8-digit streamgage site number, or the first several digits of a site number if the full number is not known. In the latter case, the statistics for all stations having the same first several digits will be displayed. In addition, the retrieval tool will provide statistics for all sites on a river by entering the river name (e.g., Mississippi), or in a county by entering the county name (e.g., Los Angeles), or in a state by entering a two-letter State abbreviation (e.g., NY). An explanation of each variable in the table can be obtained here.
Statistics from historical daily streamflow data for all currently operating streamgages are also available to download.
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Page Last Modified: Thursday, October 10, 2024