Map of real-time streamflow compared to historical streamflow for the day of the year (Puerto Rico)

50114000 50061800 50057000 50055750 50047850 50114900 50136400 50112500 50075000 50067000 50065500 50064200 50059050 50045010 50043800 50039500 50027000 50144000 50027600 50138000 50081000 50071000 50070900 50063800 50055380 50055225 50055000 50051800 50051310 50047535 50046000 50044810 50043000 50035000 50024950 50147800 50126150 50124200 50113800 50111500 50110900 50100450 50100200 50093000 50092000 50090500 50083500 50058350 50056400 50053025 50050900 50049100 50047560 50034000 50028400 50028000 50026025 50025155 50021700 50014800 182743067004200 50129254 50128948 50128945 50128940 50128933 50128925 50128920 50128907 50128905 50115240 50111340 50111330 50111320 50110650 50106100 50095000 50093120 50093115 50093110 50093090 50093084 50093083 50093078 50093075 50093053 50085100 50075500 50059210 50049620 50049310 50048565 50043197 50039995 50031000 50011200 50011180 50011128 50011085 50011000 50010500
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