Choose a state:
Most recent flow and stage for Nebraska
(Stations highlighted in red are currently above flood stage)
USGS station name NWS
Most recent
Most recent
Most recent
06453600 Ponca Creek at Verdel, Nebr. 13.5 5.87 14.7 15,700 2024-09-21 04:15:00 VERN1


2024-09-21 04:15:00 MRVN1
06461500 Niobrara River near Sparks, Nebr. 6 2.49 534 10,200 2024-09-21 04:15:00 SPKN1
06463500 Long Pine Creek near Riverview, Nebr. 11 2.80 206 9,650 2024-09-21 04:45:00 RVVN1
06463720 Niobrara River at Mariaville, Nebr. 6 3.20 1,130 30,900 2024-09-21 04:45:00 NISN1
06465500 Niobrara River near Verdel, Nebr. 8 3.26 1,080 123,000 2024-09-21 04:15:00 VRDN1
06466000 Niobrara River at Niobrara, Nebr. 37 31.77


2024-09-21 04:15:00 NRBN1
06466010 Missouri River nr Niobrara, Nebr. 21 17.84


2024-09-21 04:15:00 MRNN1
06466400 Bazile Creek at Center, Nebr 22 9.00 30.7 14,000 2024-09-21 04:00:00 CBCN1
06466470 Howe Creek below Walker Draw near Center, Nebr. 15 1.69 8.49 11,800 2024-09-21 04:30:00 HCWN1
06466500 Bazile Creek near Niobrara, Nebr. 9 1.88 59.2 68,600 2024-09-21 04:00:00 NBZN1
06478522 Bow Creek near Wynot, Nebr. 15 2.19 43.0 12,500 2024-09-21 04:30:00 BOWN1


  2024-09-21 04:30:00 MSJN1
06478526 Missouri River near Maskell, Nebr. 30 22.35


2024-09-21 04:15:00 MKLN1
06486000 Missouri River at Sioux City, IA 30 12.96 35,200 441,000 2024-09-21 04:00:00 SSCN1
06600900 South Omaha Creek at Walthill, Nebr. 20 6.46 5.16 14,200 2024-09-21 04:00:00 WHLN1
06601000 Omaha Creek at Homer, Nebr. 18 2.31 16.5 51,000 2024-09-21 04:45:00 HMRN1
06610000 Missouri River at Omaha, NE 27 16.51 38,700 396,000 2024-09-21 04:00:00 OMHN1
06610490 Missouri River at Hwy 92 at Omaha, Nebr. 27.5 16.95


2024-09-21 04:15:00 MOMN1
06610670 Missouri River at Hwy 370 at Bellevue, Nebr. 30 17.76


2024-09-21 04:45:00 MTLN1
06610685 Bellevue Drain ab Missouri R nr Offutt AFB, Nebr. 9.5 4.21


  2024-09-21 04:45:00 OFFN1
06610705 Big Papillion Creek near Blair, Nebr. 24.5 10.84


2024-09-21 04:10:00 BLBN1
06610710 Big Papillion Creek near Kennard, Nebr. 28.5 7.68


2024-09-21 04:00:00 KEBN1
06610720 Big Papillion Creek near Bennington, Nebr. 30 4.55 7.35 8,730 2024-09-21 04:45:00 BEBN1
06610732 Big Papillion Creek at Fort Street at Omaha, Nebr. 23.5 2.02 10.9 9,140 2024-09-21 04:15:00 OHAN1
06610740 Big Papillion Creek at Pacific St at Omaha, Nebr. 32 9.62


2024-09-21 04:35:00 OMBN1
06610742 Thomas Creek near Bennington, Nebr. 17.5 2.10


2024-09-21 04:00:00 IRLN1
06610750 Little Papillion Creek at Irvington, Nebr. 19.5 2.91 1.84 7,230 2024-09-21 04:50:00 IRVN1
06610760 Cole Creek at Blondo Street at Omaha, Nebr. 21.5 5.21


2024-09-21 04:05:00 OMCN1
06610765 Little Papillion Cr at Ak-Sar-Ben at Omaha, Nebr. 29 2.30 5.77 8,370 2024-09-21 04:45:00 OMLN1
06610770 Big Papillion Creek at Q Street at Omaha, Nebr. 36 7.34 26.6 14,100 2024-09-21 04:45:00 RABN1
06610773 West Papillion Creek at Elkhorn, Nebr. 9.5 3.02


2024-09-21 04:45:00 EKWN1
06610780 West Papillion Creek at Pacific St at Omaha, Nebr. 33.5 7.81


2024-09-21 04:50:00 EWDN1
06610785 West Papillion Creek at Millard, Nebr. 29 9.21 3.20 8,830 2024-09-21 04:45:00 MWBN1
06610786 South Papillion Creek near Gretna, Nebr. 22 5.11


2024-09-21 03:55:00 GSBN1
06610788 South Papillion Creek at Chalco, Nebr. 40 15.94 4.52 9,020 2024-09-21 04:30:00 PSBN1
06610793 West Papillion Creek at Papillion, Nebr. 31.5 10.36 36.5 14,700 2024-09-21 04:30:00 PWBN1
06610795 Papillion Creek at Fort Crook, Nebr. 33 9.30 65.0 32,800 2024-09-21 04:15:00 FCKN1
06610798 Papillion Cr at Harlan Lewis Rd nr La Platte, Nebr 28 16.20


2024-09-21 04:30:00 PHRN1
06680500 North Platte River at Scottsbluff, Nebr. 11.5 6.51 1,700 1,780 2024-09-21 03:00:00 SBRN1
06762500 Lodgepole Creek at Bushnell, Nebr.   2.42 0.10 16,500 2024-09-21 03:45:00  
06764880 South Platte River at Roscoe, Nebr. 9 2.19 0.66 20,100 2024-09-21 03:30:00 RSON1
06767970 Platte R, J2 Outflow and S Ch, near Overton, Nebr.   6.52 166   2024-09-21 04:30:00  
06768000 Platte River near Overton, Nebr. 7.5 1.85 305 37,600 2024-09-21 04:00:00 OVTN1
06768020 Spring Creek near Overton, Nebr. 8.5 3.20 3.35 484 2024-09-21 04:45:00 OVON1
06768025 Platte R,So-Ch,Cottonwood Ranch nr Overton, Nebr.   4.46 112 3,590 2024-09-21 04:00:00  
06768035 Platte R Mid-Ch, Cottonwood Ranch nr Elm Cr, Nebr.   4.28 392 9,260 2024-09-21 03:45:00  
06769000 Buffalo Creek near Overton, Nebr. 11 3.19 6.10 527 2024-09-21 04:45:00 OVEN1
06769525 Elm Creek near Elm Creek, Nebr. 9.5 0.55 0.00 1,540 2024-09-21 04:45:00 EMCN1
06770200 Platte River near Kearney, Nebr. 7 2.56 225 23,700 2024-09-21 04:15:00 KEAN1
06770500 Platte River near Grand Island, Nebr. 6.5 3.33 420 30,000 2024-09-21 04:15:00 GRIN1
06772100 Wood River at Grand Island, Nebr. 19.5 11.59 5.04 1,820 2024-09-21 04:00:00 GIDN1
06772775 Warm Slough near Central City, Nebr. 10 2.19 0.00 987 2024-09-21 04:45:00 CENN1
06772898 Silver Creek, at Mile 4 near Silver Creek, Nebr. 9 3.36 0.00 3,070 2024-09-21 04:45:00 SILN1
06773500 Prairie Creek near Silver Creek, Nebr. 9 1.80 1.33 2,210 2024-09-21 04:45:00 SIVN1
06774000 Platte River near Duncan, Nebr. 8 2.73 34.3 44,100 2024-09-21 04:30:00 DNCN1
06775500 Middle Loup River at Dunning, Nebr. 6.5 3.17 542 2,480 2024-09-21 04:45:00 DNGN1
06775900 Dismal River near Thedford, Nebr. 10 1.81 244 1,160 2024-09-21 04:45:00 THDN1
06777495 Middle Loup River near Gates, Nebr.   4.77 1,010 3,170 2024-09-21 04:15:00  
06781600 South Loup River at Arnold, Nebr. 8 4.14 19.2 1,430 2024-09-21 04:45:00 ARSN1
06781900 South Loup River at Pressey WMA near Oconto, Nebr.   0.55 88.7 4,960 2024-09-21 04:45:00  
06784000 South Loup River at Saint Michael, Nebr. 9.5 2.12 78.1 50,000 2024-09-21 04:45:00 SMIN1
06785000 Middle Loup River at Saint Paul, Nebr. 8 0.88 640 72,000 2024-09-21 04:15:00 SPLN1
06785500 North Loup River at Brewster, Nebr. 5.5 2.87 392 4,870 2024-09-21 04:45:00 BRTN1
06786000 North Loup River at Taylor, Nebr. 7 3.07 670 16,300 2024-09-21 04:45:00 TYLN1
06790500 North Loup River near Saint Paul, Nebr. 7 2.58 947 90,000 2024-09-21 04:15:00 SPUN1
06792500 Loup River Power Canal near Genoa, Nebr. 10 5.13 1,130   2024-09-21 04:45:00 GEAN1
06793000 Loup River near Genoa, Nebr. 10.5 3.56 303 129,000 2024-09-21 04:45:00 GELN1
06794000 Beaver Creek at Genoa, Nebr. 15 2.76 52.9 21,200 2024-09-21 04:45:00 GEON1
06794650 Clear Creek 1.75 mile W of Polk County line, Nebr. 7.5 3.80 7.20 1,360 2024-09-21 04:45:00 SHEN1
06795500 Shell Creek near Columbus, Nebr. 30 9.78 7.46 11,200 2024-09-21 04:30:00 CLBN1
06796000 Platte River at North Bend, Nebr. 8 2.21 786 165,000 2024-09-21 04:15:00 NBDN1
06796500 Platte River near Leshara, Nebr. 8 3.83 1,950 173,000 2024-09-21 04:00:00 LESN1
06796550 Platte River near Venice, Nebr. 15.5 10.33


2024-09-21 04:15:00 VENN1
06797500 Elkhorn River at Ewing, Nebr. 9 1.85 32.6 27,300 2024-09-21 04:45:00 EWIN1
06799000 Elkhorn River at Norfolk, Nebr. 12 2.32 177 41,100 2024-09-21 04:15:00 NFKN1
06799100 North Fork Elkhorn River near Pierce, Nebr. 12 1.99 29.8 79,000 2024-09-21 04:45:00 PRCN1
06799315 Elkhorn River at Pilger, Nebr. 12 5.92 307 87,000 2024-09-21 04:45:00 PLGN1
06799350 Elkhorn River at West Point, Nebr. 12 3.12 442 79,000 2024-09-21 04:15:00 WPNN1
06799445 Logan Creek at Wakefield, Nebr. 28 6.87 105 22,400 2024-09-21 04:45:00 LCWN1
06799500 Logan Creek near Uehling, Nebr. 18 2.66 152 25,200 2024-09-21 04:15:00 UEHN1
06800000 Maple Creek near Nickerson, Nebr. 11.5 2.15 13.7 35,000 2024-09-21 03:45:00 NKRN1
06800500 Elkhorn River at Waterloo, Nebr. 14 1.00 488 117,000 2024-09-21 04:15:00 WTRN1
06801000 Platte River near Ashland, Nebr 20 12.96 1,150 215,000 2024-09-21 04:00:00 ASLN1
06803000 Salt Creek at Roca, Nebr. 19 1.38 1.65 67,000 2024-09-21 04:25:00 ROCN1
06803080 Salt Creek at Pioneers Boulevard at Lincoln, Nebr. 28 5.29 10.3 13,900 2024-09-21 04:40:00 LUSN1
06803093 Haines Branch at SW 56th St at Lincoln, Nebr. 17 2.68 0.32 5,060 2024-09-21 04:35:00 LHBN1
06803170 Middle Creek at SW 63rd St at Lincoln, Nebr. 19 1.76 0.75 6,550 2024-09-21 04:15:00 LMCN1
06803300 Antelope Creek at 27th Street at Lincoln, Nebr. 20 3.19 0.10 2,570 2024-09-21 04:10:00 LATN1
06803420 North Oak Creek near Touhy, Nebr. 22 3.40 2.16 2,200 2024-09-21 04:00:00 THYN1
06803430 North Oak Creek at Valparaiso, Nebr. 20 4.40 3.56 2,900 2024-09-21 04:15:00 VLPN1
06803486 Oak Creek at Air Park Road at Lincoln, Nebr. 22 0.26 5.71 6,360 2024-09-21 04:40:00 LOKN1
06803495 Salt Creek at Fairgrounds at Lincoln, Nebr. 26.5 8.03 25.3 35,600 2024-09-21 04:35:00 SALN1
06803500 Salt Creek at 27th Street at Lincoln, Nebr. 20.5 1.99 48.5 34,800 2024-09-21 04:25:00 LCNN1
06803502 Deadmans Run at 38th Street at Lincoln, Nebr. 23 7.94 0.00 3,490 2024-09-21 04:25:00 DEDN1
06803510 Little Salt Creek near Lincoln, Nebr. 16 2.01 4.69 9,790 2024-09-21 04:45:00 LICN1
06803513 Salt Creek at 70th Street at Lincoln, Nebr. 34 3.11 61.7 29,000 2024-09-21 04:15:00 LSCN1
06803520 Stevens Creek near Lincoln, Nebr. 26.5 9.76 0.80 12,900 2024-09-21 04:40:00 LVNN1
06803530 Rock Creek near Ceresco, Nebr. 23 3.52 13.2 23,300 2024-09-21 04:45:00 CERN1
06803555 Salt Creek at Greenwood, Nebr. 20 1.73 134 46,800 2024-09-21 04:15:00 GRNN1
06804000 Wahoo Creek at Ithaca, Nebr. 19 3.79 20.4 77,400 2024-09-21 04:15:00 ITHN1
06804700 Wahoo Creek at Ashland, Nebr. 19 4.05 43.4 7,000 2024-09-21 04:45:00 ASNN1
06805000 Salt Creek near Ashland, Nebr. 20 5.47


87,000 2024-09-21 04:45:00 ASTN1
06805500 Platte River at Louisville, Nebr 9 2.54 2,730 250,000 2024-09-21 04:15:00 LOUN1
06805570 Platte River at La Platte, Nebr.   9.99


2024-09-21 04:55:00  
06806500 Weeping Water Creek at Union, Nebr. 25 1.87 8.59 65,100 2024-09-21 04:15:00 UION1
06807000 Missouri River at Nebraska City, NE 18 10.81 40,600 414,000 2024-09-21 04:00:00 NEBN1
06810070 Missouri River at Brownville, NE 34 25.58 40,500 147,000 2024-09-21 04:15:00 BRON1
06811500 Little Nemaha River at Auburn, Nebr. 22 2.11 26.6 164,000 2024-09-21 04:15:00 ABRN1
06813500 Missouri River at Rulo, NE 17 8.20 40,400 358,000 2024-09-21 04:30:00 RULN1
06814500 North Fork Big Nemaha River at Humboldt, Nebr. 28 1.00 0.46 59,500 2024-09-21 04:00:00 HBLN1
06815000 Big Nemaha River at Falls City, Nebr. 27 3.45 17.7 71,600 2024-09-21 04:45:00 FLLN1
06821500 Arikaree River nr Haigler, Nebr. 12 6.45 1.98 50,000 2024-09-21 03:45:00 HAIN1
06823000 North Fork Republican River at Colorado-Nebraska   0.90 4.33 2,110 2024-09-21 03:30:00  
06823500 Buffalo Creek near Haigler, Nebr. 11 0.85 0.69 440 2024-09-21 03:45:00 HBCN1
06824000 Rock Creek at Parks, Nebr.   0.88 3.41 493 2024-09-21 03:45:00  
06824500 Republican River at Benkelman, Nebr. 7 2.21 1.87 50,000 2024-09-21 03:30:00 BENN1
06827500 South Fork Republican River near Benkelman, Nebr. 10.05 -0.59 0.00 150,000 2024-09-21 03:30:00 BEKN1
06828500 Republican River at Stratton, Nebr. 11 4.22 0.00 200,000 2024-09-21 04:45:00 STTN1
06834000 Frenchman Creek at Palisade, Nebr. 7 2.49 7.83 5,560 2024-09-21 04:45:00 PALN1
06835500 Frenchman Creek at Culbertson, Nebr. 8 2.46 8.51 15,000 2024-09-21 04:15:00 CULN1
06836500 Driftwood Creek near McCook, Nebr. 17 2.23 0.36 4,740 2024-09-21 04:30:00 MCKN1
06837000 Republican River at McCook, Nebr. 9 2.58 2.77 245,000 2024-09-21 04:30:00 MKRN1
06838000 Red Willow Creek near Red Willow, Nebr.   4.59 1.62 30,000 2024-09-21 04:30:00  
06843500 Republican River at Cambridge, Nebr. 9 1.73 Eqp 280,000 2024-09-21 04:45:00 CAMN1
06844500 Republican River near Orleans, Nebr. 9 0.49 8.03 145,000 2024-09-21 04:45:00 ORNN1
06847000 Beaver Creek near Beaver City, Nebr. 11 2.85 0.13 9,510 2024-09-21 04:30:00 BEVN1
06847500 Sappa Creek near Stamford, Nebr. 19 5.96 0.00 43,400 2024-09-21 04:00:00 STMN1
06849000 Harlan County Lake Near Republican City, Nebr. 1973.5 1937.49


  2024-09-21 04:30:00 REPN1
06852500 Courtland Canal at Nebraska-Kansas Stateline   0.96 51.8   2024-09-21 04:15:00  
06853020 Republican River at Guide Rock, Nebr. 12.5 2.69 0.62 9,860 2024-09-21 04:30:00 GUIN1
06880800 West Fork Big Blue River near Dorchester, Nebr. 15 2.08 23.3 49,400 2024-09-21 04:00:00 DRGN1
06881000 Big Blue River near Crete, Nebr. 21 7.50 54.9 27,600 2024-09-21 04:45:00 CRTN1
06881380 Turkey Creek near DeWitt, Nebr. 23.5 9.76 0.69 29,300 2024-09-21 04:45:00 DEWN1
06882000 Big Blue River at Barneston, Nebr. 20 3.09 70.3 57,700 2024-09-21 04:00:00 BARN1
06883000 Little Blue River near Deweese, Nebr. 10 1.74 7.53 25,100 2024-09-21 04:15:00 DWEN1
06883530 Little Blue River at County Line nr Deshler, Nebr. 16 4.66 0.36 10,400 2024-09-21 03:45:00 DSHN1
06884000 Little Blue River near Fairbury, Nebr. 18.5 6.07 9.45 71,200 2024-09-21 04:45:00 FRBN1
06884025 Little Blue River at Hollenberg, KS 19 1.03 10.9 59,200 2024-09-21 04:00:00 HBGK1
410642095532401 Outfall 11 at Harlan Lewis Rd ab Base Lake, Nebr.   3.26


  2024-09-21 04:40:00  
410722095542601 Bellevue Dr at Modification Rd at Offutt AFB, Nebr   2.70


  2024-09-21 04:45:00  
410800095542601 Bellevue Drain at Clay St at Offutt AFB, Nebr.   1.99


  2024-09-21 04:00:00  
411219096010601 Bioretention Cell nr 69th and Q St. Omaha, NE   0.00 Eqp   2024-09-21 04:45:00