WaterQualityWatch -- Continuous Real-Time Water Quality of Surface Water in the United States

Real-Time Dissolved Oxygen, in mg/L

Map of , showing which states provide real-time computed water-quality data
08065350 08447300 08062500 08066850 07332622 08070200 294643095035200 08052700 08447410 08052745 295826095082200 300032095080501 08449000 08377200 08067000 08068500 295554095093402 08447000 08068000 08069500 08041770 08188500 08375300 08049500 08374200 08181500 08188060 08412500 08048000 08211200 08181800 08057410 08057000 08180800 08047050 08155500 08446500 08437710 07332605 08470500 08374510 Explanation

* Site operated on a seasonal basis or currently is not operating.
No values are available for the last 6 hours.

The "Real-time" map tracks short-term changes (over several hours) of water quality. Although the general appearance of the map changes very little from one hour to the next, individual sites may change rapidly in response to major rain events or to reservoir releases. The data used to produce this map are provisional.