WaterQualityWatch -- Continuous Real-Time Water Quality of Surface Water in the United States

Real-Time Specific Conductance, in µS/cm

Map of , showing which states provide real-time computed water-quality data
02326550 255138081321701 02327031 250802081035500 02306028 285447082445100 251253080320100 255534081324000 02299730 02277110 02301721 02313272 255654081350200 02277744 284506082435801 302657081312400 302309081333001 02299734 02290930 02299729 02290928 283925082441201 255432081303900 02310674 02301718 02310308 295323085151700 02310673 251433080265000 255726081303700 255327081275900 251003080435500 023060013 02246500 02313700 251127080382100 251209080350100 02299260 02310712 285531082412600 02277100 251355080312800 301817081393600 02306000 302609081453300 295308085143700 02310690 02310689 02310752 02310663 02246804 301510081383500 265929080091800 02246459 02246751 301124081395901 02310700 02310678 02246518 02310750 02297350 02298202 02286328 02235500 02310650 301057081414800 02310742 02310740 251241080385300 02358795 02245340 02245290 02322500 302307083101400 02321975 02304510 255151080371501 02321958 02304000 02327022 301204081434900 02319000 02323000 02326526 02319394 02320250 02322700 02290709 02320500 02239501 255325080355201 02319520 02276998 254760080395601 02319950 02301500 02297345 02244040 02319302 022462002 02322400 02327000 294213081345300 265906080093500 02323566 02320000 02234610 02304517 02325543 254157080213800 02292900 02326050 022908295 02322800 02323592 023000095 02232400 02319800 02323502 022907085 02310743 02301635 300803081354500 254729080393601 02326516 295856081372301 254923080384901 02234600 02310688 251457080395800 02266291 02264100 02315626 02359170 02264051 02321500 02266300 02317620 02264000 02266495 02358000 02359223 02266200 02315550 254120080170500 255242080110901 252654080220201 02299735 254016080170201 02297460 253256080205103 252653080273001 251032080432200 02299727 254838080155301 02292010 023060003 254929080170101 02324170 02276877 Explanation

* Site operated on a seasonal basis or currently is not operating.
No values are available for the last 6 hours.

The "Real-time" map tracks short-term changes (over several hours) of water quality. Although the general appearance of the map changes very little from one hour to the next, individual sites may change rapidly in response to major rain events or to reservoir releases. The data used to produce this map are provisional.