Streamgage Dashboard

Flow summary

Show summary of flow conditions and link to a map showing a site location.

Drainage area:59756 mi2
Discharge:7110 cfs
Stage:7.53 ft
Adj. stage:761.65 ft
Date:2024-04-27 11:45:00
Flood stage:26 ft
Percentile:66.62 %
Length of Record:105 years
Class symbol:symbol
% normal (median):139.41 %
% normal (mean):76.93 %
Water temperature:18.2 oC
Specific conductance:793 μS/cm

USGS hydrograph

Display 7-day gage-height hydrograph from USGS NWISWeb. Link to NwisWeb for more data options.

USGS hydrograph from NwisWeb and click to go to NwisWeb

Location map

Show a selected streamgage and surrouding streamgages. Click on a site to goto a site page

AHPS River Forecast

Show AHPS hydrograph and link to AHPS for a given USGS site number.

AHPS River Forecast and click to view a large image with more options

Flood tracking chart

Compare the current stage and NWS flood stage with recorded peak stages of previous floods.

Flood tracking chart and click to view a large image with more options

Additional Information

Duration Hydrograph

Present a time-history streamflow along with historical streamflow percentiles.

Duration Hydrograph and click to view a large image with more options

Additional Information

Duration Hydrograph (Monthly flow stats)

Present a time-history streamflow along with backdrop of monthly-flow percentiles.

Duration Hydrograph and click to view a large image with more options

Additional Information

Duration Hydrograph (alt color)

Present a time-history streamflow along with historical normal and below normal streamflow percentiles.

Duration Hydrograph and click to view a large image with more options

Additional Information

Cumulative Streamflow Hydrograph

Present a time-history cumulative streamflow along with historical cumulative streamflow percentiles.

Duration Hydrograph and click to view a large image with more options

Rating Curve

Show the relationship between gage height and discharge.

Rating curve and click to view a large image with more options

Additional Information

Duration Curve

Provide long-term steamflow statistics

Duration curve and click to view a large image with more options

Raster Hydrograph

Provide pixel-based plots for visualizing and identifying variabtions and changes in a streamflwo data set.

Raster Hydrograph and click to view a large image with more options

Flow Statistics

Show summary of flow stats

Daily flow statistics for all days
Site number:06892350
Drainage area:59756 mi2
Begin date:19171001
End date:20221025
Minimum:160.00 cfs
Mean:7342.27 cfs
Median:3380.00 cfs
Maximum:486000.00 cfs