WaterQualityWatch -- Continuous Real-Time Water Quality of Surface Water in the United States

Real-Time Discharge, in cfs

Map of , showing which states provide real-time computed water-quality data
01055500 01047000 01031500 01019000 01066000 01064500 01060000 01059000 01057000 01055000 01054500 01054300 01052500 01049265 01048000 01043500 01038000 01034500 01034000 01033000 01030500 01042500 01021000 01069500 01053500 01049500 01046500 01022500 01018500 432742070225401 01073785 01072870 01072800 01069700 01068910 01067950 01063995 01063310 01054200 01049505 01049320 01048220 01047200 01047150 01046000 01044550 01037380 01037050 01037000 01036390 01031510 01031450 01031300 01030350 01029500 01029200 01029100 01027240 01027200 01022840 01021480 01021470 01021060 01019300 01018900 01018035 01018009 01017960 01017550 01017290 01017060 01017000 01015800 01014000 01013500 01011000 01010500 01010070 01010000 Explanation

* Site operated on a seasonal basis or currently is not operating.
No values are available for the last 6 hours.

The "Real-time" map tracks short-term changes (over several hours) of water quality. Although the general appearance of the map changes very little from one hour to the next, individual sites may change rapidly in response to major rain events or to reservoir releases. The data used to produce this map are provisional.