WaterQualityWatch -- Continuous Real-Time Water Quality of Surface Water in the United States

Real-Time Discharge, in cfs

Map of , showing which states provide real-time computed water-quality data
401723105400000 09032100 07103700 394839104570300 09171100 09169500 09106150 09237450 09149500 09143500 09050100 09037500 09036000 09035500 09034900 09354500 09147025 07103990 06821500 09372000 09371492 06730200 09304500 09304200 09255000 09253000 09238900 09172500 09146200 09119000 09114500 09112500 09112200 09107000 09085000 09081600 09070000 09066300 09066200 09065500 09064600 09059500 09051050 09046600 09034250 09032000 09025000 07130500 07124000 07109500 07103800 07103780 07099060 06752260 06741510 06709000 401733105392404 09371520 09371010 09371000 09306255 09306222 09260000 09046490 07137500 07105900 07103980 06751490 06720990 06720820 06714215 06712000 06711565 393109104464500 09363500 09361500 09359020 09358550 09358000 09352900 09349800 09346400 09342500 09306290 09306242 09306200 09304800 09260050 09251000 09247600 09242500 09239500 09237500 09177000 09166950 09166500 09165000 09163500 09152500 09147500 09147000 09144250 09132500 09128000 09126000 09118450 09109000 09105000 09095500 09085100 09080400 09073400 09073300 09070500 09067200 09063000 09058000 09057500 09050700 09047700 09038500 09035900 09026500 09022000 08255500 07134180 07133000 07128500 07126300 07124410 07124200 07121500 07119500 07116500 07108900 07106300 07106000 07105945 07105800 07105530 07105500 07105490 07105000 07104000 07103797 07099970 07096250 07081200 07079300 06823000 06759500 06752280 06746110 06730500 06721000 06720460 06719505 06716500 06713500 06713000 06710385 06709530 06614800 402114105350101 394329104490101 394220106431500 385106106571000 384048104504901 384047104510301 384037104472001 383926107593001 383637104531301 383619104520401 383103106594200 382629104493000 382628104493700 09367000 09362800 09362520 09359500 09359082 09359080 09359010 09353800 09258980 09246500 09246200 09244490 09179450 09174600 09171310 09171240 09168730 09151500 09147022 09146020 09143600 09143000 09136100 09134100 09132960 09132095 09131495 09129550 09127000 09125800 09124500 09123450 09115500 09114520 09113980 09111250 09110990 09110000 09107500 09096100 09091900 09081000 09079450 09078475 09078141 09076000 09074500 09073891 09073890 09073791 09073790 09073721 09073720 09073005 09072550 09067020 09067000 09066510 09066325 09066000 09065100 09064000 09063900 09061600 09060799 09060770 09058500 09056500 09047500 09044800 09044300 09041900 09041400 09041395 09041090 09035700 09033300 09033100 09027100 09025300 09024000 09019500 09015000 09014050 09010500 07154500 07137000 07134990 07130000 07126485 07126200 07124400 07105940 07105820 07105815 07105600 07104905 07103970 07103960 07103703 07103100 07099973 07099238 07099233 07099230 07099050 07094500 07091200 07087050 07083200 07083000 06827000 06751150 06730525 06730160 06727500 06727410 06724970 06719840 06719560 06718550 06716100 06715000 06714800 06714500 06714400 06714360 06711780 06711770 06711618 06711575 06711570 06711555 06711515 06711040 06710605 06710247 06710150 06709910 06709740 06708800 06708690 06708600 06701900 06700000 06696980 06623800 06620000 Explanation

* Site operated on a seasonal basis or currently is not operating.
No values are available for the last 6 hours.

The "Real-time" map tracks short-term changes (over several hours) of water quality. Although the general appearance of the map changes very little from one hour to the next, individual sites may change rapidly in response to major rain events or to reservoir releases. The data used to produce this map are provisional.